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Toxin Solutions

There are tens of thousands of toxins in the environment that our bodies are exposed to everyday. Many of which are novel toxins created by industry and production since WWII. They enter our bodies through the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the products we use and absorb. Common household products like laundry detergent, toilet bowl cleaner, room freshener, and shampoo often contain endocrine disrupting factors which can be related to many chronic issues. These toxins are often harmful to our health to the point of experiencing debilitating symptoms. 

What toxins are we talking about?

While there are far too many toxins to name and avoid all of them, there are some common ones that companies are starting to opt out of using in their products if you can afford to consume clean. 

If you suffer from low energy, brain fog, mood swings, problems sleeping, or more, you may be experiencing damage and interference to hormones, cell membranes, and DNA that toxins cause. We can work with you to help identify the major toxins in your life and offer suggestions to replace the things that are producing those toxins. We will never be able to eliminate all the toxins in our world, but we can have some control over the exposure in our immediate environment like our homes. 

Since we will always be in the presence of some toxins during our time on Earth, a detoxification protocol may be necessary to help expel the toxins already in our system as well as those we can’t prevent from getting absorbed. For this process we recommend a 10-40 day detox program which will get you back on track to living clean.


Metabolic Detox 101 – Education from WholisticMatters

The Toxin Solution by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno

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patient asking a chiroproactor a question about the spine

Stage 3: Nourish & Refresh

At this point, you are feeling better than you ever thought you could as you are feeling energized and thriving. You have learned a lot about your body, you are moving more efficiently, you understand your body’s cues, and you have a good idea of what to do with these cues. This means you get to try new things, achieve new goals, and conquer new challenges!  As you do, we will be here as your resource, as needed, to help you nourish, boost, and refresh your health.

an Active Edge chiropractor assessing the lower spine of a patient in Columbus Ohio

Stage 2: Activate Healing

Pain is generally the last symptom to show up and the first to go away. This means that by the time you realize there is a problem, there has been a problem for a long time. Especially for chronic or recurring issues, understanding how you got to where you are is so important for getting to where you want to go. In this stage of your journey, you will resolve underlying dysfunction, remove cheats, and retrain habits. As we aid you in activating your body’s natural healing potential, we will help you regain movement, energy, and body function both inside and outside. Throughout this process, you will start to feel greater ease and inspiration as you restore communication and efficiency in your body. Together, we will constantly assess, observe, and reassess your body’s responses to boost your results.

A doctor in Active Edge explaining functional medicine to a patient in Columbus Ohio

Stage 1: Discover Root Cause

You are your own person, with your own collection of life events which brought you to where you are today. You deserve to be heard, seen, and treated as the individual you are. Your journey begins with your Discovery Evaluation. This first visit includes your exam which works to uncover the root of your issue(s), new patient diagnostics, and, of course, your first treatment. This is how we will help you begin connecting the dots and feeling better. After your first treatment, we will ask you to observe your body’s responses– good, bad, or indifferent. There is no wrong answer as this is just starting point information and direction for moving forward. In your second visit, we will review this feedback and your diagnostics to further identify potential underlying causes and compensations. We will combine everything we have learned about you, consider your goals, and together create a plan to resolve your concerns from the roots up