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Experience the difference of YOUR HEALTH ACTIVATED

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Welcome to Active Edge.

We’re grateful for the opportunity to help you feel amazing, top to bottom, front to back, and inside out. You are wonderfully made. Simple, but simultaneously complex and extremely interconnected. As a new patient at Active Edge, we’ll help you connect the dots between what you’re feeling and other elements that might be contributing to your concerns so that you can activate your natural healing potential efficiently and wholly.

What brings you here today

The sooner you can start supporting your body’s healing capabilities after an injury, the better. Obviously recommendations vary based on injury, but in most cases, we will generally couple physical care with nutritional support for the most efficient results.

Get Started

Any issue that resurfaces has underlying factors that have not yet been addressed. As a new patient at Active Edge, we’ll dig into the past to understand the present. Discovering contributing factors inspires and empowers activation of your health from the roots up. This means you could say goodbye to those nagging injuries and as well as other “normal” discomforts simultaneously.

Get Started

If you’ve tried everything and nothing’s working, it’s time for something different. Chronic conditions usually have a variety of contributing factors; physical, chemical, emotional/spiritual. As a new patient at Active Edge, we’ll look at the whole picture, connect the dots, and help you heal from the roots up.

Get Started

We hear this a lot! Our bodies are amazing. We are such great compensators that we can keep going and going and going, creating one compensation after the other until one day everything catches up to us. Lots of people assume they’re getting old and that they’re stuck, but we find that if we can identify underlying dysfunctions and remove compensations, you can feel better and do more of what you love.

Get Started

Fantastic. We’d love to help you stay that way. Being adjusted regularly, supporting exercise recovery, and nourishing the body are great ways to keep healing pathways activated and freely communicating.

With regular refresher visits, we can help you head off disfunction before it becomes noticeable and quickly address new concerns that arise to prevent compensation and break down. Plus, with our roots based approach to healing, you might even experience bonus improvements that you didn’t expect.

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Your AE Journey:

Stage 1

Discover the Root of your Concerns

The first step to activating your body’s natural healing potential is discovering the root of your concerns. Your Discovery Evaluation includes 1-hour, One-on-One with your doc so we can to get to know you and understand the collection of life events that brought you to where you are today. You deserve to be heard, seen, and treated as the individual you are.

This initial visit includes your root based exam, snapshot diagnostics & of course your 1st treatment so you can start feeling better right away.

After your first treatment, we’ll ask you to observe your body’s responses- good bad or indifferent. In your 2nd visit, we’ll review this feedback and your diagnostics to further identify potential underliers and compensations. We’ll combine everything we’ve learned about you, consider your goals and together, create a plan to resolve your concerns from the roots up.

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Stage 2

Activate your Health

In this stage of your journey, you’ll resolve underlying dysfunction, remove cheats, and retrain habits. As we activate your body’s natural healing potential, we’ll help you empower movement, energy, and body function both inside and outside. Throughout this process, you’ll start to feel greater ease and inspiration as you restore communication and efficiency. Together, we’ll constantly assess, observe, and reassess your body’s responses to boost your results.

Your treatment will include some combination of Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Dry Needling, Cupping, Movement Retraining, Scar tissue Remodeling, Diet and Nutritional Recommendations, Lifestyle and Habit Retraining, Essential Oil and Raindrop Therapy, Massage, and more. 

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Stage 3

Nourish and Refresh

Congrats, you made it! You’re feeling amazing. You’re energized, thriving, and want to stay that way. In phase 3 of your journey, our role changes. We now become a resource to help you achieve new goals, and conquer new challenges without reservation.

Nourishing, refreshing, boosting, and redirecting regularly is a great way to keep you feeling great, but that looks a little different for everyone. Together we’ll combine what we’ve learned about you, your body’s cues, your work, your lifestyle habits, your stress levels and more to figure out your body’s “sweet spot” for encouraging self reliance while staying ahead of any back slide.

Nothing is “Wrong” but something isn’t right and I want to feel better.

We hear this often. All those little things (seemingly related or not) that just aren’t right are like warning lights. Our bodies are so amazing. We can adapt to and survive so many stressors (physical, chemical, emotional/spiritual). Those little things that feel off are you recognizing that your body is not working as well as it should.

Your body is asking you for help and Kudos to you for noticing it!!

Western medicine has a tendency to look at illness and assume that if we are not ill, we are healthy. We’re going to look at things a little differently. From our perspective, if you’re constantly feeling less than amazing, we need to figure out where you need support.
As a new patient at Active Edge, we’re going to start by looking at you as a whole person, top to bottom, inside out, and past to present. Then we’re going to start connecting the dots and together, we’ll begin restoring efficiency to the areas of your movement and chemistry that need support. Click the “Schedual Evaluation” button below and let’s get to the root of what’s aking you feel off?

Active Edge Functional medicine assessment
an Active Edge practicioner applying dry needles on a patient in Columbus Ohio

I’m looking for a physician who will listen to me

At Active Edge, we believe a big part of what makes us great is our ability to listen. We know bodies, but you know your body, so your input is extremely important in finding the right path. It’s not uncommon that a seemingly unrelated piece of information you share is the key to helping your body restore health.
Schedule an hour with the doc by clicking below and start being heard.

patient asking a chiroproactor a question about the spine

Stage 3: Nourish & Refresh

At this point, you are feeling better than you ever thought you could as you are feeling energized and thriving. You have learned a lot about your body, you are moving more efficiently, you understand your body’s cues, and you have a good idea of what to do with these cues. This means you get to try new things, achieve new goals, and conquer new challenges!  As you do, we will be here as your resource, as needed, to help you nourish, boost, and refresh your health.

an Active Edge chiropractor assessing the lower spine of a patient in Columbus Ohio

Stage 2: Activate Healing

Pain is generally the last symptom to show up and the first to go away. This means that by the time you realize there is a problem, there has been a problem for a long time. Especially for chronic or recurring issues, understanding how you got to where you are is so important for getting to where you want to go. In this stage of your journey, you will resolve underlying dysfunction, remove cheats, and retrain habits. As we aid you in activating your body’s natural healing potential, we will help you regain movement, energy, and body function both inside and outside. Throughout this process, you will start to feel greater ease and inspiration as you restore communication and efficiency in your body. Together, we will constantly assess, observe, and reassess your body’s responses to boost your results.

A doctor in Active Edge explaining functional medicine to a patient in Columbus Ohio

Stage 1: Discover Root Cause

You are your own person, with your own collection of life events which brought you to where you are today. You deserve to be heard, seen, and treated as the individual you are. Your journey begins with your Discovery Evaluation. This first visit includes your exam which works to uncover the root of your issue(s), new patient diagnostics, and, of course, your first treatment. This is how we will help you begin connecting the dots and feeling better. After your first treatment, we will ask you to observe your body’s responses– good, bad, or indifferent. There is no wrong answer as this is just starting point information and direction for moving forward. In your second visit, we will review this feedback and your diagnostics to further identify potential underlying causes and compensations. We will combine everything we have learned about you, consider your goals, and together create a plan to resolve your concerns from the roots up